A Nice Indian Boy

May 12 & 13, 2016 | Palo Alto, CA

June 18, 2016 | Houston, TX

Produced and Presented by: EnActe Arts

Written By: Madhuri Shekar

Director: Ranjita Chakravarty

Stage Manager: Havish Ravipati

Set Design: Sukanya Sarkar

Costumes, Props, and Set Executioner: Vishalini Vimal

Set Construction: Ashok Malani, Abhishek Sharma 

Production Assistant: Ananya Gupta

Light Tech: Vikram Ramanarayanan

Sound Cues: Meghna Singhal

Music & Sound: Siddhartha Chattopadhyay


Cast: Dilip Ratnam, Sukanya Sarkar, Erik Scilley, Aditya Thakur, Prathima Vadiraja

Hard on the heels of the latest Supreme Court ruling comes a dramatic comedy about love, marriage and being desi gay. Keshav and Naveen share all things Indian. Language, food, and upbringing but one member of this romantic couple is blonde blue eyed and Caucasian, making for some awkward and hilarious family dynamics.